Monday, October 20, 2008


This is what our Saturdays have been filled with this year.
Their team made it to the playoffs this year and so we have two more weeks to enjoy football...hopefully the weather will hold out. We have had beautiful 50-70 degree weather this fall except for the one weekend where all the games were cancelled due to 14 inches of snow (see below). Parker plays all defense positions and LOVES it.


katie said...

Go #78! I would love to watch Parker play! Break someone's nose for me Parker!

Annie said...

gees, i was going through some photos the other day. i found plenty of parker when he was little. oh how time goes by!!! enjoy...

Amie Orton said...

Natalie, you take such good pictures you don't need to edit them, but if you want to know how i did mine, I used this website:

you have to download each picture onto the website, so it's not super fast, but it is awesome and addicting and I can't stop playing with pictures. I really really want photoshop, but can't afford it so much right now..something about school loans up to ying yang.. well anyway this is probably much easier than photoshop anyway. My cousin mentioned it on her blog that's how i found out about it. I bet you're gonna love it.. GO parker what a stud. I can't believe you guys have snow. We are still trying to decide each day weather to put on shorts or pants...

Jennica said...

I love your pictures. You always take such great ones.

What a cute football player he makes.