Every April and November I look forward to watching General conference. It is a time for me to break away from my daily routine. A time to watch TV for 8 hours and not feel guilty. A time to focus on what really matters and receive instruction on how to improve myself. And most important an opportunity to listen to our living prophet and receive counsel on what the Lord would have us do. Elder Paul V. Johnson said, in Conference, October 2005
"Decide now to make general conference a priority in your life. Decide to listen carefully and follow the teachings that are given. Listen to or read the talks more than once to better understand and follow the counsel. By doing these things, the gates of hell will not prevail against you, the powers of darkness will be dispersed from before you, and the heavens will shake for your good."
"The Blessings of General Conference", Ensign, Nov. 2005
What a powerful promise.
Enjoy Conference this weekend. Whether it be to relax, lift your spirits, or if nothing else to watch 8 hours of TV without the guilt.