Friday, December 19, 2008

On the 5th, 6th and 7th day of Christmas...

We received more white stuff.
The sheet rockers added to our Christmas CHEER. Thousands of pounds (72 sheets of sheet rock) later our cement walls are no longer naked. It's a festivus miracle!
* Hard to read the labels on the pictures. #1 starting at the left, The hallway into the girls kingdom, 2. Bailey's room. Top right Hannah's room, middle right Sidney's room and bottom right, the girls room side, by side, by side...Sisters:)


Jenny said...

That is a grand kingdom!!! It will be so nice to have done.
Randy and I will have to swing up there this summer to check it out. I would like to reserve the west wing of your kingdom.

katie said...

I agree with Jenny. I think my whole house could fit in the hall and three bedrooms. I'll be needing a different wing for my girls in a few years too.'s going to be an emotional mess around here i'm sure.