Thursday, November 4, 2010

# 3 of the fam

So, you may be getting tired of our family photo shoot but I'm doing it for me and yes it gives me something to blog about. Also to have updated pictures of all of my lovely chillins in my blog. It is amazing to me that in just two short years my girls are almost as tall as me but that's not hard when one is 5'4". It's just fun seeing them turn into young adults.

Hannah Fall 2008
Fall 2010

Bailey chose to opt out of taking photos on this day so only two girlies. She just wasn't up to "taking a million and one pictures"...again.


Amie Orton said...

beautiful Natalie, well actually Hannah. My favorite is the very last one of just Hannah. They are all so good though. HEY, we thought you were comin for Christmas! I heard you were tryin to come for thanksgiving and so we are trying to work it out. Since we will be coming for christmas.(ben is coming for Christmas and it will be Nick and Sarah's last christmas at home maybe EVER.... (he will be deployed from here on out.)

I would come for Thanksgiving, but we'll see what the Orton side of the family has to say about that... :)
Still hard on holidays for me and we've been married for 5 years. Oh by then 6 years :)

Can't wait for Bailey's pictures!


Cindy Spratling said...

Wow I've missed so many posts! It was so fun to see so many pictures at once. Your kids, I mean teenagers are so good-looking! Looks like your weekends are going to be filled with dates dates and more dates here in a few years!
Yes, it's true, we are coming for Christmas. The lottery didn't work out for us, but something else did :) I sooo hope you guys make it! And what's this talk Amie is talking about? Are you standing me up and not coming at Christmas after all?

Tyler and Kristen said...

Wow, they have changed so much in the last year!!! I swear they looked the same from age 3 until the day I moved! Wow, what cute kids you had, that turned into beautiful girls. Now i'm really excited to see what Bailey looks like, tell her she needs to submit to a photo shoot just so I can see the pictures!
By the way Natalie, you are a fantastic photographer, I think you need to do what Celia does and start a business, you have the talent! Oh, and I love what you did with the farm, I'm seeing that old place in a whole new light! It's fun to see all the creative things you have done with all the places I grew up walking right by and ignoring.

Dave & Colette said...

Ah Beautiful!